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Minutes Holden Finance Committee, January 18, 2012, HMLD

Members Present: Jim Dunn, Al Berg, Paul Challenger, Joe Dolak, Karl Makala, Marilynn Foley
Members Absent: Peter Lacy, Rick Bates, Don Mancini
Also Present: Nancy Galkowski, Town Manager

The meeting was called to order at 7:04.

Paul asked for an item to be added to the agenda concerning a volunteer position for the Friends of the Library.

Nancy explained the need for a transfer from the Reserve Fund to the Veteran’s Budget due to increased case load.  

A motion by Paul 2nd by Joe to transfer $45, 000.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Veteran’s Budget was voted unanimously.

Nancy reported that the BOS have voted to endorse remote participation in meetings by members of Town Boards.  She outlined the State guidelines to the Committee.  

The Committee discussed Superintendent Dr. Tom Pandiscio’s presentation of the State of the District.

Paul reported that the Library is planning a celebration and is considering using a Treasurer for the event.  Paul has been asked to serve as Treasurer for the event.  The Committee found no conflict of interest in this volunteer position.

Finance Committee Goals recap was postponed to the next meeting.

The Committee discussed the upcoming budget season planning.  We will meet with the BOS and Town Manager in mid February.

Al reported that the Capital Planning Committee has completed it’s task and has sent recommendations to the Town Manager.

Karl reported that there is still some final things to be completed in the new Public Safety Building.

Paul reported that the Mountview project is making progress.

A motion by Al 2nd by Joe to approve the minutes of November 9, 2011 was voted unanimously (abstained Paul, Joe).

A motion by Paul 2nd by Al to approve the minutes September 22, 2011 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Karl 2nd by Jim to approve the minutes of November 2, 2011 was voted unanimously (abstained Paul, Joe).

The regular meeting adjourned at 8:45.

Some members of the Committee (not a quorum) remained to review Finance Committee policies and procedures with new member Karl.

Respectfully Submitted,

Marilynn Foley, Clerk